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能量中国·中国发展网传播矩阵(任兵 元帅)疫情给日常生活和工作带来诸多障碍,却无法阻止我们的学术热情和社会责任感。2021年10月30-31日,第二届行为公共管理学国际研讨会在华中科技大学公共管理学院隆重召开。会议由心理与人力资源管理研究中心主任兼行为公共管理国际研究会主席陈志霞教授发起并担任大会主席,来自中国、美国、丹麦、新加坡、西班牙、斯里兰卡、坦桑利亚、伊朗等18个国家的200余名专家、学者、师生(包括两位美国院士和一位联邦政府顾问)参加会议。会议采用线上线下相结合的方式,主会场设在华中科技大学,同时还分别在西北大学、南昌航空航天大学和东湖新技术开发区设立了三个线上分会场。会议以海内外互通、网络互联、线上线下互动的灵活方式,成功举办了一场穿越疫情、跨越时空、海内外专家学者踊跃参与、社会各界积极互动的线上线下高端国际学术会议。

October 30-31, 2021, sponsored by the International Research Society of Behavioral PublicAdministration(IABPA) and the International Research Society of Chinese Behavioral PublicAdministration(ICBPA), undertaken by the Center of Psychology and Human Resource Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, The 2nd International Conference on Behavioral PublicAdministration was successfully held in College of Public Administration in Huazhong University of Science and Technology. The conference was initiated by Professor Chen Zhixia, Founding President of ICBPA and IABPA, Director of the Psychology and Human Resource Management Research Center,Director of BPA Research Group,Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and served as the chairman of the conference. More than 200 experts from 16 countries including China, the United States, Denmark, England, Spain, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Iran, etc. Scholars, teachers and students attend the conference online. The conference adopts the combination of online and offline. Huazhong University of science and technology is the main venue. At the same time, three online sub venues have been set up in Northwest University, Nanchang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Wuhan East Lake New Technology Development Zone.



With the theme of “Behavior Public Administration and Social Governance in the Context of the Epidemic”, this conference aims to bring together behavioral public administration researchers and practitioners based on the background of the new crown epidemic to build a community that fosters, maintains, and develops a behavioral public administration community. An important academic platform to enhance the influence of behavioral public administration increase the participation of behavioral publicadministration researchers in social governance, and enhance the visibility of behavioral publicadministration research results in social governance.

31日上午8:00,会议正式开幕。开幕式由会议和学会主席陈志霞教授主持。华中科技大学副校长许晓东教授、上届名誉主席Susan Fiske院士、本次会议名誉主席Bradley Wright院士、哥本哈根大学Asmus Olsen教授、中国公共管理学会秘书长朱旭峰教授、会议和学会创始主席陈志霞教授先后致辞。

At 8:00 am on the 31st, the conference officially opened. The opening ceremony was presided over by Professor Chen Zhixia, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,President of ICBPA and IABPA,. Professor Xu Xiaodong, the vice president of Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Professor Susan Fiske(Princeton University), Bradley Wright(University of Georgia),Asmus Olsen(University of Copenhagen), Professor Zhu Xufeng(the secretary-general of the Chinese Society of Public Administration), and Professor Chen Zhixia(HUST, the founding chairman of ICBPA and IABPA), delivered warmth speeches.


随后,会议进入主旨报告环节。本次会议的主旨报告共设两个环节:第一环节由陈志霞教授、Sebastian Jilke教授和Yahong Zhang教授主持,先后由乔治敦大学Sebastian Jilke教授、华中科技大学陈志霞教授、罗格斯大学Yahong Zhang教授、清华大学朱旭峰教授、Tucci Learning Solutions的 Victoria Ann Tucci主任、佐治亚大学Bradley Wright教授、加州州立大学 Qiyuan Jin教授做主题报告。第二环节由Asmus Leth Olsen教授和Chen Chung-An教授主持,先后由南洋理工大学ChungAn Chen教授、浙江大学公共管理学院陈丽君教授、哥本哈根大学Asmus Leth Olsen教授、科伦坡大学WS Chandrasekara教授做主题报告。12位专家围绕行为公共管理学的重要主题从不同视角不同层面为大家做了精彩报告。

Subsequently, under the auspices of Professor Chen Zhixia the meeting entered the keynote report. The keynote report of this conference has two sessions: The first session is chaired by Professor Chen Zhixia, Professor Sebastian Jilke and Professor Yahong Zhang, followed by Professor Sebastian Jilke from Georgetown University, Professor Chen Zhixia from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Professor Claudia from Indiana University, and Rutgers University. Professor Yahong Zhang, Professor Zhu Xufeng of Tsinghua University, President Tucci of Learning Solutions, Professor Bradley Wright of the University of Georgia, Professor Qiyuan Jin of California State University gave keynote speeches. Thesecond stage was carried out in the afternoon. The meeting was presided over by Professor Olsen and Professor ChungAn Chen. Professor ChungAn Chen from Nanyang Technological University, Professor Chen Lijun from the School of Public Administration of Zhejiang University, Professor Olsen from the University of Copenhagen, and Professor WS Chandrasekara from the University of Colombo gave thematic reports. The 12 experts gave wonderful presentations from different perspectives topics of behavioral public administration.



Then came the experts forum. There are two parallel forums in the expert forum: Wang Shuzhen、 Li Wenbin、Zhao Shusong、Li Xiaoqian、Fu Chengzhe、Fang Xuemei、Chen Cheng Li Qing and Yu Yanghang give their presentations.



The meeting set up 8 sub-forums, which were held simultaneously on the afternoon of the 31st. The themes of the sub-forums include "Public Administration Decision-Making and Behavior Promotion", "Public Behavior and Promotion", "Community Governance and Crisis Management", "Social Governance under the Epidemic", “Public OB & HRM”,"Special Topics on Social Governance of Northeast University", "Optics Valley Community" Governance Forum" etc. Experts and students from Renmin University of China, Hong Kong Baptist University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Huazhong Normal University, Shanghai University, Northwest University, etc., and represents from Optics Valley High-tech Zone have presented papers successively and gave a special report, and all participants had a full communication.



The meeting closed with enthusiastic applause.


